
Health Library

  • To Reduce Your Stress, Birdwatch

    To Reduce Your Stress, Birdwatch

    Your cat may be onto something. Sitting and watching birds may improve your brain health and well-being.

  • Why Screen for Anxiety?

    Why Screen for Anxiety?

    It’s normal to worry about your family, health, or finances sometimes. And in the short term, having some anxiety isn’t bad. It can help you focus and cope during stressful situations.

  • Proper Dental Care Begins with Baby Teeth

    Proper Dental Care Begins with Baby Teeth

    Healthy teeth are important to your child’s growth and development. They help your child eat right, talk properly, and smile with confidence. Primary teeth, also known as baby teeth, hold space for permanent teeth.

Wellness Center

Making Sense of Medicare Options

Medicare is the federal program that helps people 65 and older pay for their healthcare. Here is a step-by-step process to help you get started.


Medicine Safety Quiz

Learn how to better manage your medicines by taking this quiz.


Step-by-Step: Sitting with a Walker (Weight Bearing)

Here is how to safely sit down with a walker.

Symptom Checker